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Providing frequently unique solutions, and advice to small businesses in corporate communication, web marketing, naming, social media, Brand Positioning, SEO.
How to find customers? Create something that does not esist.

How to find customers? Create something that does not esist.

Are you itching to start your own venture, develop something truly valuable to people, and make a positive impact in individuals’ lives? Going solo sounds great, but what’s your end goal? You need to build something from the ground up to attract customers willing to pay for what you provide.

Advertising on a tight budget - Image of a man typing on laptop with icons of social media and business.

Advertising on a tight budget

The article discusses the importance of having a backup plan for lean times before investing in advertising. Small businesses should consider if they have the resources to survive declining sales and notice signs of an impending demand collapse.

Marketing advertising and speed - Image of a woman standing still in the middle of a busy crowd.

Marketing, Advertising, and Speed.

The belief that generates the most harmful consequences for small businesses is that speed is capable of compensating for the lack of knowledge, culture, experience, skill, creativity, critical thinking, foresight, vision, introspection.

marketing definitions - Marketing meeting around a table

18 Marketing Definitions Of Expert Marketers

Are you sure you know what marketing is? 18 Italian Marketing Managers give their definitions of marketing + the definitions of the world marketing gurus. Marketing definition from professionals gives a glimpse of the subject.

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